Anet E-10: First printings

After the previous post about the asembly of Anet E-10, today I am writeing a new post about the first printings that I have made.

Anet E-10 start up

The start up was vey simple comparing with the delta one. Hotbed leveling is very easy with this kind of printers.

I have some problems to put the filament inside the hotend, but once that it was inside the printer works perfectly.

The printer comes with Cura and Repetier software inside the included pen drive incluido, but I use Simplify 3D and I found a profile for the Anet on internet, and I have used it.

Another thing that surprised me is the fault of a firmware to update the motherboard, because the siftware is already installed on it.

Last improvements before printing

MKS Mosfet for Anet E-10

For safety reasons, I bought a MKS mosfet at Amazon. The installation was very easy and it does not come warmer during the using of the printer.

Borosilicate crystal

In order to avoid marks on the first layer of the printing, I bought a couple of borosilicate glasses to a seller on Wallapop, and the result cannot be better. You find him on Twitter with the nick of @Uimpreso

Finally, first printings made with Anet E-10

MKS Mosfet Box

I print this case to store the mosfet, in addition to that, and due to the lenght of the screws I printed some fitings for the the scews.

3D scanner chasis

I cannot print this with the old print due to the size limitation. Here you can see the 3D scanner finished.

Cat keyring

As my sister is mad about cats, I printed her a couple of this dangerous kittens.

Modern vase

I love this vase and it was one of the print tests that I commited.

Mr. Appz: